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How to Attribute Your Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

Aiden Dalley

Sr. Manager, Product Marketing

Understanding the role individual platforms play in driving conversions, within a multi-channel marketing strategy is a challenge. While it’s easy to track the final click that leads to a conversion, what’s often less understood are the upstream touchpoints that are generating new journeys and keeping consumers engaged in the consideration phase. Here’s how to accurately identify the touchpoints that shape customer journeys, to inform both optimal budget allocation and to ensure that creative assets and messaging are aligned to the paths consumers take in your marketing funnel.

Data Attribution Challenges 

While marketers know they should be attributing conversions, many are not. Decision making based on the analysis of raw non-attributed Return-On-Ad-Spend (ROAS) or Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) metrics across platforms, can lead to sub-optimal budget allocation, by allocating too much or too little to an individual channel, furthermore, without knowing the true role that an individual channel play, creative that’s effective for the lower funnel might be assigned to a channel that’s more effective at generating interest and new journeys.  

The Solution

AdRoll’s Cross-Channel Attribution (CCA):

  • Eliminates the manual work of logging into multiple platforms by centralizing metrics from across your marketing stack, via secure API based hourly imports of campaign data from: Active Campaign, Amazon Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Klaviyo, LinkedIn, MailChimp, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, and X/Twitter. As well as the daily imports of conversions and revenue metrics from Google Analytics 4, Hubspot, Salesforce, Shopify or WooCommerce.

  • Places metrics imported from your integrated platform side-by-side with de-duplicated (meaning that only one channel gets credit for the first touch, second touch etc.) reporting that tracks clicks on UTM parameters appended to your campaign URLs. 

With the above sources of data, marketers can toggle through a range of attribution models to see different cuts that reveal the role individual platforms are playing at each step in a multi-channel conversion journey. Additionally, marketers can also identify the combinations of channels that are working together to deliver conversions, by revealing how many touchpoints each was responsible for, in what order and how many days apart each touch occurred. 

Key Features of AdRoll Cross-Channel Attribution 

  • Visualize your marketing funnel. The Pathways Reports reveals the combinations of platforms that are working together to deliver the greatest volume of conversions, as well as highest average order value conversions. 

  • Gain a more holistic view. The Attributed and Assisted Reports unlock the ability to compare and contrast deduplicated pixel based reporting versus non-attributed metrics reported by integrated platforms. Identify the channels and campaigns that are generating new journeys, those keeping consumers engaged, and those that are efficiently converting. Assess which platforms are claiming too much or too little conversion credit, and adjust budgets accordingly.

Make Better Marketing Decisions

Armed with insights from CCA, marketers can align budgets and campaign messaging throughout the funnel stages. With AdRoll’s unified dashboard, they can identify and prioritize investments in channels, campaigns, and journeys that generate the most conversions and highest revenue. To get the most out of every marketing dollar, get started with AdRoll!

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