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5 Strategies for Marketing Quick Wins

Alex Ford

Chief Socialiser @ Socialike Media

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It's always a good idea to assess your marketing performance throughout the year — you want to continue to optimize on reaching the right people to generate leads and increase sales.

However, it’s easier said than done.

Often, when people approach us at Socialike to improve their marketing results, they’re overlooking a bunch of easy, quick wins. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your marketing, here’s a collection of our top five quick wins that you can implement today to help you achieve your marketing goals.

Segment Your Marketing Contacts

The first thing we often see people skipping is segmenting their marketing contacts.

Why does this matter? To put it simply, it ensures that your emails actually interest the people you’re sending them to. In fact, data shows that segmented, targeted, and triggered emails account for a whopping 77% of marketing ROI.

You wouldn’t communicate with your grandma the same way you communicate with your best friend from high school, so why do that with your emails? Your email segments should clearly distinguish loyal customers who might benefit from a loyalty discount from new leads who need a bit of extra education before they buy.

Outside of improved return from your emails, there are many reasons why you should be segmenting your marketing contacts. These include:

  • Understanding who your most valuable customers are and why
  • Increasing customer loyalty with customized content and interactions
  • Identifying new opportunities for products, support, and service efficiently

The great thing about segmentation is that you can break contacts down in any way you please. However, a few key categories you should have for a good quick win are:

1. Geography

Knowing where people live is a simple but powerful way to customize your email content. If you’re an online business, you can use location to send promotions out when there’s a holiday that’s specific to a customer’s region, or even use location in your headlines or content to draw attention and offer a personalized experience.

2. Past purchases

If you know someone has bought from you before, chances are they’ll be open to buying again. Make your bottom line bigger by sending people offers for other products or services that might further interest them.

Knowing who’s made past purchases is also a great way to know who to ask for feedback on past purchases so you can continue to refine your offering.

3. Buying frequency

Who are your biggest buyers? Keep them coming back and boost their loyalty even further by offering special offers, promotions, and discounts just for them. Who knows? They might even spread the word on just how great you are.

Use Secondary Calls to Action (CTAs)

People love the idea of choice. They can even become slightly addicted to the possibilities of choice — so why only give them one option when you can provide two CTAs?

If you’re unsure of what a CTA is, you can read up on them here. A secondary CTA is a great quick win. It is when you give people another option to the action you primarily want them to take. Think of it as a contingency plan to still get their details.

For example, say your primary CTA is for people to book a call with you to find out more about your product or service. This is your preferred action, and it requires them to fill out a full form with all their details. As a secondary CTA, you might ask visitors to subscribe to your blog by email, which requires just their email address.

This is less commitment, but voila! You’ve still got an email address, which is marketing gold.

These people might not be ready to book a call just yet, but they might still be interested in learning a bit more about you, saving you a lost conversion opportunity if you hadn’t given the second option.

Secondary CTAs can help you reach other business goals, too, like growing your social media or email list.

Ultimately, when adding a secondary CTA, you should consider two things: your goals and your primary CTA. If the primary goal of what you’re trying to achieve is lead generation, a secondary CTA asking for a “like” on social media might not work as well as asking for an email address. You also don’t want the secondary CTA to distract from the primary one. It should be visible but not innately more appealing.

Add Pop-Ups to Solve for High Bounce Rates and Low Conversions

If you’re exploring a marketing strategy for the first time, there’s a good chance you also have a higher than average bounce rate (56-70%). While this may feel like something you should be worried about, it can actually be an opportunity for a quick win.

A high bounce rate means that if you have 100 people visit your website, 56 will never come back again. You might also have the problem of low conversions, where people visit your site, pop some stuff in their cart and then leave.

So, how can you turn this into a quick win? One simple trick is placing a pop-in mechanism where your traffic's highest concentration exists: upon exit intent. If a visitor’s mouse hovers around their navigation bar (i.e., about to leave your website), a message will pop up and grab their attention.

Remember, people aren’t leaving because they don’t like you — they just haven’t found what they’re after. How do you solve that and help them find their solution? Is it offering a discount? A complimentary eBook? A free slot of your time?

Capturing attention before someone leaves can turn your high bounce rate around. Adding the phrase “before you go” to the pop-in message is an effective way to nail people down.

Repurpose an Old High-Performing Piece of Content

If there’s one thorn in every marketer’s back, it’s always coming up with brand new content. You know you need to publish content on your blog and social media, but it can be a challenge to develop a great original idea that’s going to bring people to your website. One quick win to solve this is to repurpose your best-performing content.

Repurposing content isn’t just changing the title and accompanying image of a blog and reposting it for the same people to read — that’s revamping. Instead, repurposing content is changing the format and/or the target audience for the content.

When choosing content for repurposing, look at what performed well previously and how you can add new life to it. A few great examples we’ve seen our customer do effectively in the past are:

  • Turning old blogs into podcasts
  • Updating old blogs with new information to draw people in looking for the latest data
  • Turn statistics you’ve collected into images or infographics for social media
  • Promote previous pieces of content on social media to bring people back to the content

Improve On-Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Of course, this wouldn’t be a quick win blog without talking about SEO. Optimizing your entire website takes time, but starting with the basics and prioritizing two or three main site pages is a great place to get some quick wins. Align your URLs, page titles, meta descriptions, and page content with a strong focus keyword.

Keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines to find what they're looking for. For example, if you were looking to buy a new coffee machine, you might type something like “best coffee machine” into Google. Even though that phrase consists of more than one word, it's still a keyword.

If you’re unsure of what keywords would be best for you to target, a tool like SEMRush and MOZ can be a lifesaver. You want keywords that are often searched but seldom written about by anyone else. Using these keywords will put you much further up the line when people search for the term.

However,  don’t add multiple keywords. It can be tempting to go for the “more the merrier” approach, but this won’t get results because you’re effectively telling search engines that your site is about multiple different topics, which can push you down in the search results.

The Take Home

So there you have it — Socialike’s top five quick wins for marketing! We hope you learned a thing or two. We call these wins “quick” because you can implement them today — but will you see results overnight? That’s something we like to challenge.

We think great marketing takes time. These are fast actions with long-term benefits and are very useful while planning longer and more detailed marketing campaigns. However, over time they’re a great way to help you attract the right people, generate more leads, and ultimately grow your business.

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