Cashing in with a new marketing strategy
HashChing’s turned their website traffic into a revenue-driving asset—leading to lower CPA and a 700% increase in new leads.
Get startedMandeep Sodhi
CEO & Founder,

Turning a crowd into a global audience
HashChing’s was the talk of the town. They had received a lot of media attention but were having trouble translating that into revenue growth.
Mandeep Sodhi, CEO and founder of the mortgage marketplace, had to turn this initial interest into equity with homebuyers. HashChing’s website was driving traffic but still had a high bounce rate.
With AdRoll’s help, Mandeep implemented a strategy that targeted audiences who had visited the website but left without converting. The new approach paid off; they lowered their CPA and boosted their leads by 700%. HashChing’s success has also been their customer’s gain. To date, they've put over $10 million worth of savings back in their pockets.
With AdRoll bridging the gap, HashChing brokered their way to creating his #DareToGrow story.
Get started with AdRoll todayBringing their success to life with AdRoll

Reaching site visitors
AdRoll helped Mandeep launch campaigns across multiple channels that delivered ads to audiences who have visited the website.

Creating audience segments
On the AdRoll dashboard, Mandeep creates custom audiences based on actions taken by site visitors. From there, he tailors ad creative to each segment.

Testing and experimenting
Mandeep tests every facet of his campaigns and uses insights gained from the AdRoll attribution dashboard to create better customer experiences.